Monday, February 28, 2011







Saturday, February 26, 2011



阳喜欢穿我的高跟鞋。那些鞋子我自己都不能穿了。她穿着在家里咚咚地走。叫她轻点她就真的提高,轻放鞋。她把我国内钱包翻出来,which 我很喜欢的红色地摊货,买来就撕换了。才我看见鞋子里一只垫一张十元人民币。




Thursday, February 24, 2011

Flood Insurance

Where do I find the documents for my free evaluation?

Recorded property deed- The original property deed is sent to the local county clerks office when you close on your property to be recorded and it becomes part of the public records. You should receive the original recorded document from the office that handled your property closing approximately 1 month after the closing. If you do not have the document contact the closing agent and request the original. Or for faster results go to the clerks office in your community and request a certified copy.

Property survey or plat map- This item is called many things however it does not matter what it is called as long as we have it!! Most of the time when you purchase your property the mortgage company requires a survey of the property showing the boundaries and the structures located on the property. This should be in your closing documents. If you do not locate it there check with the local building department to see if they have a copy of your survey in the permit file for your home.

If you are not successful in finding a survey for your property the other document that we can accept is a plat map from the zoning or planning department or a tax map from the property appraisers office. These maps show the location of your property in relation to the other properties and streets in your area.

Elevation certificate- An elevation certificate is provided by a licensed surveyor. You may have one in your closing documents. If not check with the local building department to see if there is one in your permit file or check with the builder that sold you your property. If you are currently carrying flood insurance your insurance agent should have asked you for an elevation certificate to write your policy in the correct risk category. Ask them for a copy. If they do not have one ask them how they rated your premiums correctly.

If you are still unsuccessful at locating an elevation certificate you will need to hire a local surveyor to provide the elevation certificate for you. The elevation certificate will help us determine if your property can be removed from the flood zone or, if your property cannot be removed from the flood zone it will allow your insurance agent to rate you accurately and give you the best rate. The average cost of an elevation certificate is $200.00 and while you may be hesitant to spend the money, you will save far more that you spend in the long run.


LD从同事那里拿回来两个carseat,我拆开来洗才发现今年4月就过期了。想捐掉,人家说不要座位。我一直想买一个秋千的,已经看好了amazon上20来元的。 我又一想,小时候把绳在两树之间就可以做一个秋千,就DIY了一个。 闺女还挺enjoy的。看。




梦昨天从9点睡到早上6点半,然后又继续睡到11点半。省心阿。但是中午三人一起睡,妹妹不要睡觉。 阳一个人睡了。后来阳自己过来,爬到大床上我们三人躺了会。尽量和大的多玩。

Saturday, February 19, 2011



Monday, February 14, 2011

Monterey Bay Aquarium

went to Monterey Bay

Last night, Sherry told to her little sister, little cutie in Chinese.

Today,her dad drank a sip from her cup, she demanded her dad to spill it out. I wonder where she got that.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


阳太搞笑了. 洗头淋水,她哭着说阳阳不见了. 我说,是不是阳看不见了. 她说,是.

周六终于搞了个曼蒂的慢月party. 一起长大的小朋友们一起玩,临走,三个男孩子,给布,天天,坤坤都亲了阳阳. 坤坤妈妈对坤坤说,那里有一个美眉你要不要去亲一下,坤坤就开心地跑去亲阳阳.后来我亲阳的时候问阳,那天那几个小男孩亲你,你喜欢吗?阳MS很害羞地说,喜欢.

天天姐姐安吉看见小车,刚拿到手里,阳上去抢.两人相持不下,我抱着宝宝坐在旁边看,幺喝阳把玩具给姐姐,是姐姐先拿到的. 让阳玩地上的话筒. 无果. 只好大呼吉祥来帮忙.//汗,下次这样情况怎么办呢? 吉祥让姐姐让着小的, 把玩具硬抢过来给阳了, 姐姐哭了. 阳后来回忆说,姐姐哭了.我说,玩具要给姐姐玩,姐姐是客人.要分享好不好.阳说不.

前天去沙坑玩,我们自己带了沙滩玩具,到了地方,有1个小女孩在那里,看见我们带东西来了,很高兴地要往我们这边凑, 阳就拿着自己的东西,护着,不给玩.叫她分享也不, 就那么拿着. 那小女孩只好用什么东西,不断往我们小桶里装东西,阳没有反抗. 只进不出的东西! 后来过来另外一个小女孩,乘阳不注意,拿走一个铲子,阳上去抢回来了,放自己桶里.

昨天下午,说要和小朋友一起玩,我心都碎了. 我上班,你说不要上学,我现在在家,你又要和小朋友玩! 找麦娅,她妈妈不在家,去轻轻敲门,里面有孩子哭声,算了. 对阳说没有人. 阳要求看蛐蛐,太容易满足了. 又嚷要和小朋友玩. 就带了去小公园.她说,好多小朋友啊.没有带玩具,有个兄妹两在那里玩,人小女孩不给阳沙滩玩具.阳捡了个小叉子玩,往女孩铜里装. 我对她说,昨天你不给玩具别的小朋友玩,这个姐姐也不给你她的玩具,也不知道听懂了没有.

上周三,去电台的新年活动. 阳看到穿紫衣服的5岁姐姐,就逼上去,姐姐站到墙边,她就抱着人家. 后来那姐姐很友好地拉她手玩去了. 嘿嘿,有两下子.后来在大厅里,她主动要坐到一个很大的姐姐腿上.阳闹,就给IPOD给她玩,她爸爸叫那些小男孩帮她拿着了.那小男孩们开始聚集在一起打游戏. 阳过了一会,说要玩.男孩子说她不会玩,她坚持要玩,其实就要求拿着. 那些男孩怎么可能让? 阳爸爸把IPOD要过来了,说让她拿一会.那些孩子开始要,一个很有趣,说,i have experience with three year old. 就一直说,你又不会玩. 我说,你们要拿东西给她换. 后来阳去玩他们的dvd player才安静下来.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


阳在幼儿园学的新年好的歌曲. 才电话里,我说,说奶奶,新年好.她在电话里唱起来了.

阳爸说明天不上班了,说传统. 我问什么传统,说春节.嘿嘿,支持!

我叫阳爸爸帮我理发. 他问东西在哪里,我说要找. 他问戒指找到了吗? 我说还没有找.其实我把能找的地方都找过了, 很upset没有找到. 我问可能在NJ他家里吗? 我有点记不清了,因为当时想着要照婚纱照的.我可能带回家了.他说他找到了. 做为情人节礼物可以吗,我说可以. 太可以了.


怕搞不定睡觉. 没有想到阳阳到了大床上不一会就主动要求到crib睡. 哈哈,太好了.她自己抱着海马停了,又开了几次.从2点到4点还没有醒.我自己抽身出来了.太爽了.